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Ecuador, Quito June 23, 2011

Couchsurfing With Llamas and Goat

I have to admit that I hit the ‘Couchsurf with me’ button as soon as I saw that they keep llamas at the place we were looking to couchsurf in Quito.

“Llamas?! How cool! How… South American!” I squealed with delight.

Visions of ourselves frolicking on top of llamas in high Andean meadows quickly came to mind.

Ecuador, Galapagos June 16, 2011

Learning to Appreciate Galapagos

What are the images you see in your mind when you think of Galapagos? Tortoises? Lizards?

For me, it’s finches. Finches from a poster my third-grade Biology teacher put up on the blackboard of all the different finches that can be found on the islands. You know, Darwin’s famous finches?

Finches. Birds. Small birds at that. I’m not a small bird person. I guess safe to say I’m not a bird person at all.