Eco-Friendly Gift Ideas For Adventurers and Travelers

Tips November 5, 2018

I promise you won’t find gag gifts, or single-use items, or “fad” items. Instead you’ll find products I truly love (and have bought with my own money), causes I support, and gifts that do good. Conspicuous waste should never be celebrated.

Under $25: Must Have Travel Accessories for No-Fuss Travelers (Updated 2024)

Travel Tips May 9, 2018

From camera protection, to portable door alarm, these are must-have travel items under $25 for practical, non-sense travelers.

Beruwala, Sri Lanka December 9, 2014

Sri Lanka Highlight: Beruwala Fish Market

I always recommend people to check out the local markets when they’re traveling. To be honest it’s not always the colorful tapestries you see in magazines. Sometimes it’s a photographer’s heaven, other times it’s just ‘meh’ if not downright dangerous.

Beruwala fish market is an example where it’s particular rewarding.

Porto, Portugal September 30, 2014

Why is Porto so Captivating?

I got out of Porto’s underground Metro and was instantly blinded by the sun. It was the first time I’d seen that kind of blue sky and sunlight – the kind that held no promise of rain – in almost a week. After over a month traipsing through France’s Brittany and Northern Spain, I was feeling a little tired of traveling, but Porto a refreshing change. It felt rejuvenating and I couldn’t wait to explore more.

Epic Hikes, Los Picos, Spain September 16, 2014

Hiking the Cares Gorge (Garganta del Cares), A Northern Spain Highlight

I’ve been back for about a week and I still can’t stop blabbing about Los Picos and the Cares Gorge. It’s surprising how little known this national park is in the States, even among my hiker friends.

Even if you’re only remotely into hiking, the Cares Gorge (and Los Picos) is truly spectacular and is worth a trip if you ever find yourself in Northern Spain.