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Banos, Ecuador August 4, 2011

The Best of Baños

Having stayed in Baños for almost 2 months, both Jack and I have discovered some places that quickly became our favorites. We’d love to share some of them with you.

Banos, Ecuador August 1, 2011

Jumping Off San Francisco Bridge in Banos

When we’re not working or partying, we’re jumping off bridges. There’s this bridge in Banos called San Francisco, which is the longest, tallest bridge in town. Go to the bridge at any given time and you’ll find a couple of guys hanging out offering a chance to swing jump off the bridge.

Banos, Ecuador July 26, 2011

Taking A Break From Hostel Living – Come See Our $7 Apartment

We stumbled across this apartment when we were trying to help our friends, Miin and Neil, to find an apartment here in Baños.

The guy quoted us $25 per person per week to this 3 br apartment right in the center of the city.

(You should’ve seen the face of the wife when she found out – she knew she could’ve charged us more.)

It comes with cable TV, free WiFi, and hot water. And we even have hot water in the kitchen – the first we’ve ever had in South America.

Banos, Ecuador July 13, 2011

The Quirky Museum in Baños: The Dead and the Decaying

We’re on our last week here in Baños. It’s hard to believe that we’ve been here a month. It’s sad to think that soon we’ll be leaving our newfound friends behind and once again we’ll be facing the unknowns and the unexpected that our travel will bring.

We’ve spent our month here in Baños wisely, we think. We’ve volunteered our time working with the kids of Baños (more on this later) and both Jack and I have improved our Spanish by taking private lessons. We now know how to express our confusions in words other than mute blank stares (boo yah!).